Staying in shape as it has reached the final stage of her pregnancy, Jessica Alba headed for a workout in Los Angeles on Monday (March 24).
In addition to staying in shape, the Sin City starlet keeping itself has been occupied with the video and posts postings for its fans.
Jessica Alba open wrote on his blog MySpace celebrity: "Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great Easter. We had another strange run with the papparazzi. Guess they work even on holidays. It's hot here in socal . preggers Being in this heat takes everything to another level. "
"Been playing a lot of games lately. Apples to Apples is a new favorite of mine. Super cool I know right," she adds.
The 26-year-old also downloaded a music video in which she was lip syncing Panic at the Disco's song "Nine in the afternoon" in a coordinated video for her boyfriend Cash Warren's new Internet venture.